
Interview Exclusive de Katriina Talaslahti, Olympique Lyonnais (OL)
Réalisée par Jean-Pierre Thiesset le 22 février 2021. Pas beaucoup de gens le savent mais Katriina a déjà joué contre le Paris SG et Liverpool. C’était en août 2018 avec le Bayern de Munich au « Toulouse Ladies Cup » contre le Paris SG et lors d’un match d’entraînement contre Liverpool. Elle était aussi dans l’équipe du Bayern de Munich pour un match de « Women UEFA Champions League » en septembre 2018.

HS News 31.8.2020 – Feelings the day after Champions League victory
The goalkeeper of the French Lyon Katriina Talaslahti became the third Finnish footballer to win the Champions League on Sunday. “I came home at 6–7. We flew directly from Spain to France. Today we celebrate more and eat with the girls.”

YLE News 30.8.2020 – Katriina won Women’s Champions League with Lyon !
Olympique Lyonnais Feminine left no doubt about the better team in the women’s Champions League final against Wolfsburg. Thus, Finnish goalkeeper Katriina Talaslahti celebrates her first victory in the Champions League. 19-year-old Talaslahti joined the team last year and was in the finals as a second goalkeeper for Lyon.

YLE Sport 21.8.2020 – before Champions League’s final stage
This article tells about Katriina’s thoughts and feelings about playing for Olympique Lyonnais before their first match against FC Bayern Munich in the final stage of the Champions League.

2020 Women’s Champions League finals: Bilbao, San Sebastián
The 2019/20 UEFA Women's Champions League will be played as an eight-team knock-out tournament in Bilbao and in San Sebastián. Saturday 22 August Lyon vs Bayern München (20:00 CET, San Mamés Stadium, Bilbao).

Ranskaa raakana
Ranskaa raakana! #48 – Vieraana jalkapalloilija, Olympique Lyonnais’n maalivahti Katriina Talaslahti April 9, 2020. Ranskaa raakana! -podcast tarjoilee kattauksen kieltä ja kulttuuria. 48. jaksossa vieraanani on suomalainen jalkapalloilija Katriina Talaslahti, joka pelaa maailman parhaimmassa naisjoukkueessa, Olympique Lyonnais’ssa.

HS News, article about Katriina
Katriina Talaslahti, 19, aikoo nousta maailman parhaan jalkapallon naisten seurajoukkueen Lyonin ykkösvahdiksi mahdollisimman pian. Jan Vilén HS Julkaistu: 31.3.2020

Katriina Talaslahti moves to the French Olympique Lyonnais with a three-year contract.
Lyon has won the Champions League in the last four seasons and the team has celebrated the French championship no less than 13 times in a row. See the Finnish publication here.

Winning the title of Women’s 2. Bundesliga 2019
FC Bayern München II won the champions of Women's 2. Bundesliga in May 2019.